
As the mom of a CCSD student, Jennifer knows the challenges our schools face. From overcrowded classrooms to long-term substitutes, we are simply coming up short for our kids.
Jennifer is working to change that. As a member of the City of Henderson’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Education, Jennifer fights to get the resources our teachers and kids need so every child can go to a great public school.
In the State Senate, Jennifer will work to pass record investments and make sure we are giving our kids every opportunity for success.
Jennifer's plan will bring down class sizes, pass a universal guaranteed school lunch program so no kid goes hungry, increase teacher pay, increase per-pupil spending to the national average, and place a qualified teacher in every classroom.
Jennifer knows that an education should not end after high school. That’s why she supports investing in vocational programs to ensure that those who want to enter the workforce have the skills they need. For those who want to earn a college degree, Jennifer believes that we should be doing all that we can to lessen the burden. From increasing investments in Millenium Scholarships to no-cost community college, Jennifer will fight to ensure everyone has the opportunity to succeed.
Health Care

When it comes to health care, access and cost continue to be barriers for too many families. Jennifer knows this first hand. After she gave birth to her son, where they both fought for their lives, she was hit with medical bills totaling over $500,000. In the State Senate, Jennifer will fight to ensure that all Nevadans can get access to the essential care they deserve.
Jennifer has a plan to tackle costs- it starts with standing up to big pharmaceutical companies and capping prices for lifesaving medication for diseases like diabetes, hypertension and cancer.
As the mom of a NICU baby, Jennifer knows the fear and uncertainty families face.
That’s why her first bill will be to ensure that all babies requiring NICU care are automatically enrolled in Medicaid; so families can focus on getting their baby the care they need without worrying about a mountain of paperwork and medical debt. Not only will this be a financial lifeline for families, but it will save Nevada money by leveraging Federal dollars.
From IVF to the right to choose, Jennifer will stand up to extreme politicians threatening our rights. When it comes to protecting women's reproductive health care, she’ll never back down from a fight.
We can count on Jennifer to support constitutional protections for reproductive health care and stand up to extremists like the ones in Arizona, Alabama, and Texas, who seek to prosecute women and medical providers for accessing care.

Jennifer believes in an economy that rewards hard work and creates opportunities for everyone. In the State Senate, she will be committed to protecting Nevada’s workers, advocating for wage increases, and promoting economic growth.
Jennifer believes that Nevada is, and should remain, one of the leading destinations for tourism in the world. From good-paying gaming and hospitality jobs to the industries that support and build them, millions of Nevadans rely on this thriving industry.
While tourism and hospitality will always be a part of Nevada’s economy, Jennifer believes that we can do more to grow and diversify.
From green energy production and storage, to technology and emerging markets, Jennifer believes that Nevada can lead the way. Through investing in education at every level, apprenticeships, and certificate programs, Jennifer knows that one of the best ways to attract new business to the state is to have a well-educated workforce.
As a single mom, Jennifer knows that costs continue to rise. From housing to health care, and from groceries to prescription drugs, Nevadans are struggling to get ahead. In the State Senate, Jennifer will fight to bring down costs. She’ll take on predatory landlords who charge bogus fees, work to cap the cost of prescription drugs, and fight to prevent giant corporations from buying up entire communities and driving up costs.
Safer Communities

As a single mom, Jennifer thinks about keeping her family safe every day. That’s why she supports making Nevada number one in the nation for police funding, so officers have the tools they need to build relationships in the community and keep us safe.
All Nevadans deserve to be safe in their schools, places of worship, and community. Gun violence poses the greatest threat to that safety. That’s why Jennifer has a plan to go after criminals who manufacture untraceable ghost guns. And it’s why she supports common sense gun safety measures like background checks and red flag laws that prevent domestic abusers from being able to get their hands on a firearm.
Jennifer also knows the dangers fentanyl poses to our kids and community. As a member of the City of Henderson’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Education, Jennifer made combating fentanyl overdose her top priority. In the State Senate, she’ll work with Senators from both parties to support tougher penalties for fentanyl traffickers and give law enforcement officers more tools to keep us safe.
Jennifer believes that all Nevadans deserve to have clean air and drinking water, and an environment that is sustainable. In the State Senate, we can count on Jennifer to combat climate change and protect Nevada for generations to come.
From Lake Tahoe to Lake Mead, Nevada’s environment has so much to offer, and we can count on Jennifer to protect our land from pollution and bad actors. Over 50,000 Nevada jobs rely on outdoor recreation that contributes over $4 billion to our economy. That’s why Jennifer has a plan to protect our public lands and grow opportunities, spurring economic growth and promoting conservation.
The economic impact of Nevada’s economy doesn’t stop at outdoor tourism. Tens of thousands of Nevadans work in and rely on the good-paying union jobs that come from energy production and storage. In the State Senate, Jennifer will work to strengthen the investments made in renewable energy production and storage that will work to reduce pollution, increase the supply of American renewable energy, and protect our water.